Wayne Henry

PhD, JP, Director General, Planning Institute
of Jamaica – JAMAICA

Dr. Wayne Henry, JP holds a PhD in agricultural and development economics as well as an MA in economics from the Ohio State University, an MBA in finance from Howard University, and a BSc in economics and management from the University of the West Indies. Prior to joining PIOJ, Dr. Henry spent five years as Vice President of Government Affairs at the Scotiabank Group, served as Chief Technical Advisor to the Minister of Finance, as well as Special Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture. Dr. Wayne Henry, JP delivered his Keynote Remarks on the topic “COVID-19 and Beyond: Perspectives from Jamaica’s experience in integrating the SDGs in the implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan”. Dr. Henry examined the areas of progress, strengths, gaps, shared early insights on the way forward and discussed Jamaica`s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Jamaica’s motto is “Out of Many One People.” This is representative of an approach to nation building that advances integration, equity and inclusion as core principles in advancing a vision for not only Jamaicans, but one that connects us with our regional and global communities— and which culminated in the development and launch of the 21-year Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan (NDP), in 2009; Jamaica’s first longterm national development plan.

Vision 2030 Jamaica provides a road map, governance and institutional framework for the achievement of developed country status, a secure and prosperous future to realize the vision of “Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”. It is geared towards the achievement of four synergistic and interdependent sustainable development goals which cascade into 15 National Outcomes.

The Road Map for SDG Implementation in Jamaica, which was approved by Cabinet in 2017, identifies Vision 2030 Jamaica and the Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) — the main mechanism for policy-based implementation of the long-term strategies of Vision 2030 Jamaica, as providing the framework and mechanisms for advancing the achievement of the SDGs. The Road Map was informed by stakeholder consultations and a Rapid Integrated Assessment (RIA), in 2016, that determined Vision 2030 Jamaica and the SDGs to be 91.0 per cent aligned. Jamaica determined that based on efforts to address gaps in alignment, estimates show the country to have exceeded 99.0 percent alignment in 2018.

In the MTF, the SDGs have been aligned with the goals and outcomes of Vision 2030 Jamaica and targets of the SDGs have been aligned with the medium-term strategic priorities. Jamaica’s first Voluntary National Review Report (2018) comprised a report on action and performance based on this alignment of the SDGs with Vision 2030 Jamaica and integration in Plan implementation.

In alignment with the implementation framework of Vision 2030 Jamaica, the Road Map for SDGs Implementation prioritizes coordination, institutional arrangements and partnerships; capacity building in planning, monitoring and evaluation, data and statistics, development financing and other resourcing; and communications and advocacy; and states that implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica can lead to the achievement of the SDGs. It presents recommendations towards supporting the enablement of existing strategies and programmes to be integrated in policy bundles and serve as entry points that have accelerative effects.

Prior to the onset of the novel coronavirus “COVID-19” Pandemic, Jamaica in its pursuit of Vision 2030 Jamaica, had experienced mixed results over the first 11 years of Plan implementation, with performance steadily advancing in some areas while slipping or remaining the same in others—gains were made in human capital development, macroeconomic stability, and governance, among other areas; while challenges were experienced in such as areas as security and safety, environmental sustainability and the rate of non-communicable diseases.

The country recorded positive performance on key international governance indicators such as voice, accountability, government effectiveness and was ranked 6 of 180 countries in the 2020 World Press Freedom Index4 ; and the case clearance rate increased owing to targeted efforts to improve access to court and other justice services. Continued focus was given to advancing women’s empowerment and gender equality within the framework of the National Policy for Gender Equality (NPGE, 2011)5 and alignment with the Beijing Platform. Communication and Reporting on Plan Implementation and performance have been geared towards maximum reach and ease of access.

Based on lessons learned, Jamaica has engaged systems and practices for improved coordination of the implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica and the SDGs towards improved development outcomes. These include:

• Full alignment of MTF 2018–2021 with relevant SDGs and targets • Strengthening the capacity of the Vision 2030 Jamaica Secretariat for coordination, and monitoring and evaluation regarding the integration of the SDGs in Plan Implementation and the capacity of the SDGs Secretariat for coordination of SDG implementation

• Establishing a two-tiered stakeholder-driven governance mechanism—a Core Group and National Oversight Committee; integrating the SDGs in partnership frameworks and institutional arrangements

• Strengthening national capacity to report on the SDG Indicators

Strengthening capacity for sustainable and adequate development financing, including, innovative financing

• Developing the systems and structures for a digital society and technology enablement.

COVID-19 has demonstrated how quickly a development path can be challenged. From the PIOJ’s preliminary review of the development targets under Vision 2030 Jamaica, it is anticipated that based on projections for the Jamaican and wider global society and economy, as well as on-going national demand for social assistance, economic stimulus and worker protection interventions, there will be slippages in several development indicators.

COVID-19 has already been demonstrated to have deleterious effects on lives and livelihoods with an estimated economic contraction of 10.0 percent for the fiscal year6 ; increases in the experience of different types of vulnerabilities for the majority of the population and for particularly those traditionally most at risk; and requiring Jamaica, like the rest of the global community, to balance public health and economic survivability concerns.

Within this context, the significance of national development policy and planning as prerequisites for mitigating losses, damages and seizing opportunities for stability and growth, has been highlighted. The role of government and the importance of public policy have been elevated as critical success factors in governing markets, including informing the relationships and linkages within and among the financial and real sectors as well as the protection of a country’s economic capital and investments—such as its entrepreneurs, workers and national and global value chains. The necessity for agility and adhering to strategic priorities in not only programming but in the means of implementation is critical to the pursuit of stakeholder/partnership driven development within a context where private and public interests may simultaneously intersect and conflict.

We see this in our own country response where government has had to extend its direct management and intervention beyond traditional areas such as macroeconomic and fiscal management, public health, education and environmental management; to economic value chains, including financial and technical interventions in both supply and demand logistics; and income security within a pay-check protection framework to both the formal and informal sectors; among others. Yet, the importance of public-private and other partnerships, and the role of civil society and non-governmental actors, has been demonstrably critical to ensuring that the necessary capital, expertise and ownership as well as local level and needs-based reach and translation of policies and programs is achieved.

This reality, coupled with the reigniting of debates— on the implications of globalization and technological advancement on the future of work; sustainability, equity and resilience within global value chains; and climate change—particularly on small island developing states (SIDS), have signaled possible enduring shifts in the global development landscape post COVID-19.

Jamaica’s commitment to Vision 2030 Jamaica and the SDGs provides a framework for response to crises such as COVID-19—the relevance of our long-term goals and overarching strategic framework for development has been reinforced, but strategic actions in the medium to long term to realize our goals and maintain that path, require strategic review and revision, including revisiting our development targets up to 2030 and the period/ schedule for achieving planned outcomes and our national development goals.

COVID-19 has created and exposed cracks in global systems and structures which pose threats and present opportunities for change and growth. Jamaica has been responding to the recognized the critical importance of ensuring that Vision 2030 Jamaica and SDG aligned policies regarding human capital development and social protection are integrated in shifting economic and business practices and social responsibility efforts. This approach seeks to ensure that post COVID-19 societal shifts do not result in slippage or deviations away from the pursuit of development that is multi-dimensionally sustainable and inclusive. Jamaica is committed to moving beyond business as usual and embracing a “new normal” that “leaves no one behind”.


Hon. Prof. Bob Carr

Former Foreign Minister of Australia & Industry
Professor, University of Technology S
ydney – AUSTRALIAHon. Prof. Bob Carr served as the Minister for Planning and Environment and as Leader of the Opposition until his election as Premier in March 1995. Hon. Prof. Carr received the World Conservation Union International Parks Merit Award for creating 350 new national parks. He was a member of the International Task Force on Climate Change convened by Tony Blair. Hon. Prof. Carr has served as Honorary Scholar of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue. Being the author of several books, he was appointed as the Professor of Industry in Climate and Business at the University of Technology Sydney in May 2019. Hon. Prof. Bob Carr discussed the importance of building peaceful, just and strong institutions to combat the challenges of internal conflicts, protecting the journalists and human rights defenders who risk their lives to monitor and report human rights violations. By focusing on the Agenda 2030, with the motto of “Leaving No One Behind”, Hon. Prof. Carr also underlined the role of collaboration between the states and non-governmental organizations to mitigate the national and international crisis.

We live in a time of substantial challenges. The global warming, which is confirming its reality year by year, shapes the world we live in and the challenge of producing a world where there is peace, justice and strong institutions. The leadership of the UN Secretary-General in drawing the world’s attention to the persistent challenge of climate is very valid because the problems we face in achieving peace, security and robust institutions is all greater given the difficulty the people of this planet have in surviving against sometimes catastrophically forceful changes in the way the natural world works.

Humanity has witnessed tragically a retreat of the civic space where people could operate independently of the government, make constructive criticisms, seek information and fight for their rights. For a lot of people, for far too many, the opportunity of speaking out and advancing the frontiers of freedom is becoming restricted and we need the views of global participants on the evidence of this. The civic space is becoming restricted and is not being expanded. The rulers can be persuaded to stick to the norms of political contestability and pluralism, by respecting the views of others, and not persecuting people for holding dissident opinions.

Today, societies tend to celebrate a dissident, especially when the forces of the state are turned against them. They represent a great vote of confidence in our culture, in our civilization, and we need more leaders to see that and to be persuaded not to resort to the easier task of closing down dissident voices, of limiting the room for difference or not permitting people who think they discriminated against or repressed to speak out and draw attention to their case. This has particular sensitivity to people already disadvantaged, in most cases, women and girls, immigrants, including those who suddenly find themselves without a nationality, at loose in the world, seeking a new home and persons of color, many times in the context of increasing conflicts and violence.

It is important to defend those who are now risking their lives seeking to disseminate public information. As a journalist myself, I feel particularly sensitive about the reporters, who are at risk in many jurisdictions from seeking the truth, and inform the public accordingly. There are many journalists in prison across the world. The UN has charted hundreds of cases where people have lost their freedom by attempting to exert their energies to obtain information. In the times of crises, people are empowered by their right to access true public information. Human rights defenders are traveling to riskier parts of the planet to monitor and report the case of people who have been dispossessed and are at risk. They need our support as well.

Agenda 2030 is declared to “leave no one behind” and therefore advancing sustainable development through human rights was elevated as an essential process promotion, protection of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, all this scene is essential to mitigate the national and international crisis. Member states and national human rights organizations and civil society need to speak again about the integration of human rights to create peaceful and just and strong institutions. The great threat is the shift in the world’s climate patterns and the destabilization of all aspects of human interaction as human beings living together on the planet. It calls for promoting democratic values integrally linked to SDG #16. The public should have confidence in the way its judicial systems, public ethics in public institutions work play themselves out.

Sadly according to Freedom House, there are 14 consecutive years in which global freedoms have declined. The humanity needs strong and respected global institutions; however, the freedom of the World 2020 challenged us by finding “the unchecked brutality of autocratic regimes and the ethical decay of democratic powers are combining to make the world increasingly hostile to fresh demands for better governance.”

The call should be towards an accountable governance that society needs to achieve together by rallying behind every effort in this direction. Report 2019 reminded us that the UN recorded and verified a total of 397 additional killings of human rights defenders, journalists and trade unionists across the world. In 41 countries out of 190 countries or jurisdictions, where these violations can occur, member states and intergovernmental organizations have an obligation to protect the defenders and the reporters; otherwise, the recorders of fundamental rights being undermined or corroded.

In conclusion, the information is in fact vital. The world can’t make the right decisions if denied access to information about the condition of life on the planet. So, I would like to encourage everyone to push the agenda, to push the frontier so that we can see more clearly where to protect those at risk and entrench more robustly the rights to the fair hearing, we think, which goes with being a human being on planet Earth.


JJ Green

National Security Correspondent, WTOP Radio

JJ Green reports daily on international security, intelligence, foreign policy, terrorism and cyber developments and provides regular on-air analysis. He hosts the weekly podcast Target USA, The Hunt, and conducts in-depth interviews with experts on ISIS, al-Qaida, and the Taliban. He is the recipient of the 2017 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation award and also received a National Edward R. Murrow Award (2009) for Hidden Hunter. He also won the prestigious Associated Press Douglas S. Freeman award for his investigative series, “Dignity Denied”. Green was honored by the University of Maryland, University College as their commencement speaker, in recognition of his broad body of national security reporting accomplishments. He is also a contributor to Jane’s Intelligence Review magazine. JJ Green briefed about how the COVID-19 had impacted our everyday lives. He talked about the lessons that we should be learning while combatting the pandemic, underlined the importance of appreciation. He also underlined that 2020 is a strategic turning point for the global community to facilitate international collaborations to create peaceful, and inclusive societies.

Almost one million people have died from COVID-19, about 5 thousand a day. There are 1440 minutes in each day. There are 86,400 seconds in a day. During the next five minutes, many people will lose their lives to COVID-19. The most important takeaway from the UNGA Conference 2020 is that the time is critical. Every second counts, so the information that we share can save many lives.

As a journalist, who has traveled to foreign war zones many times in the last 15 years, I have seen the toll that pandemics, war, famine and political chaos can take on humanity. However, 2020 is the first time that I lived through it, at home. By the time of the UNGA Conference 2020, the US death toll from COVID-19 had reached 200,000 deaths. Our family members and friends, needlessly in some cases, because of bad information or no information in one of the most developed countries in the world. This experience has made me much more committed to working tirelessly to help bring an end to this pandemic and prevent another from happening.

As racial tension, COVID-19, on-going conflicts, and political chaos test the cohesiveness of our planet and it is time for us to reach deeper. Our world faces unprecedented challenges that; day by day, degree by degree, undermine our ability to perform the vital work of truth-seeking and responsible and inclusive reporting. Those challenges are existential threats to our industry, our constituents and our world. We must work to defeat those challenges, which include distortion of facts and efforts to discredit and harm journalists.

People are dying in the U.S. and around the world because they are confused about what is true and what is not about the spread of COVID-19. People are dying because they cannot get access to the care they need. People are dying because they have lost their jobs, family members to the disease and they’ve lost their hope. We have work to do. This work involves exposing the lies, threats to our safety and security, promoting understanding of them, and helping to create mechanisms to overcome them.

The very fact that UNGA Conference is virtual this year carries with it both the gravity of situation the world faces by being physically cut off from moving freely, engaging in necessary business, governance, security, and health matters. This means that in reality we can still get done most of what needs to be done.

But it comes at a cost that takes more time, patience and real ingenuity. Many of us have had to figure out how to do things that we as a have forgotten how to do. Many of us forgot how to stay home for months at a time. Many of us forgot how to get by without jumping in a car or on a train or a bus to go someplace. Many of us forget how to sit with just our thoughts and imaginations.

COVID-19 has reminded us of all those things. It reminds us that there are people on this planet, even in the best 51 of times, who stay home for months at a time. There are people on this planet that get by without jumping in a car or on a train or a bus to go someplace. There are people on this planet who sit with just their thoughts and imaginations. We, who had so much before COVID-19, have been reminded of the plight of those who live without so many things we take for granted each day. We now know that we must work harder to make sure that they too have every opportunity to succeed in life that we have.

We are aware, 2020 is a strategic turning point for the global community. The UNGA Conference 2020 is in the process of strengthening the response of the international community and facilitating collaboration between UN Member States, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society organizations, towards a common objective of creating peaceful and inclusive societies, where everyone is entitled to undeniable rights, without discrimination.

Natalia Marcela Molina


Natalia Marcela Molina is a Judge specializing in cyber-crimes against minors of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has certifications in criminal law and organized crimes. She is a Member of the International Association of Women Judges and Second Vice President of the Women Judges Association in Argentina. Judge Molina is a Professor at Universidad de San Isidro and Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales in Online Crimes, focusing on gender issues and sexual slavery. Natalia Marcela Molina discussed the dramatically increasing child sexual abuse content in the social media. She underlined that many states do not have laws ensuring justice for victims and preventing the child cyber crime abuse the minors. Molina also called the international community to take a strong joint action to collaborate with the governments in raising awareness to combat the children sexual abuse content.

As a consequence of the COVID Pandemic, online education and communication has increased drastically, which has led to the earlier exposure of our children to digital environments and their threats. The production and distribution of child sexual abuse content and online harassment is a crime in many countries, and is growing as we speak.

Both of these crimes take place in the digital environment, more specifically in social media. It is important to mention that, in all cases, they are committed offline and recorded to later on be uploaded on the internet. The Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse has underlined the need to protect children using internet. Once the images or videos are online, they automatically become a part of an enormous child sexual abuse network that not only exposes the pain of these victims to millions, but puts at risk, once again, their physical and psychic integrity.

During this COVID-19 pandemic year, these types of crimes have increased strongly in Argentina, and the number keeps growing every minute that goes by. But what is truly frightening, is that there are no boundaries for these crimes and that, even today, there are many countries that still do not have any laws to prevent or punish these terrible acts on children. Latin America is known to lead in this campaign, the most advanced region in the implementation of these new measures, has not learnt how to face these challenges. The call is to have internet abuse of children incorporated as part of the agenda in all countries, especially in those who have not yet implemented laws to ensure justice for victims and prevent this from happening, over and over again. It is absolutely necessary that these countries reconsider their position and adapt their legislation to guarantee the human rights of children that are abused under the eyes of the world. Cybercrime, organized or not, has no boundaries and expands fast; which is why we need a world that is united, with international collaboration and fluent communication on this topic. The international community`s joint efforts will not only help prevent this horrible act, but will also put pressure on your governments to modify their legislations, to ensure justice to all victims.

There are thousands of people online distributing or consuming child sexual abuse content, and their victims keep getting younger and younger. What is required is to do the following:

• To start working on campaigns that inform and prevent online sexual harassment of minors at all levels.

• Call the attention of respective governments, to teach not only kids about the matter, but also their parents, so that they can share this knowledge with their children and prevent them from being exposed to this type of danger.

• Work actively on digital education, the concept of “privacy” and the prevention of cyber abuse.

• A kid alone in his room, playing with his laptop and without the correct digital education, is no longer safe. Information is freedom, privacy is freedom.

• Work on prevention by inspiring all countries to acknowledge this problem and work on their legislation, in order to minimize this issue.

• Expose this crime and encourage victims to report these acts. This is really important.

• Let us help them lose their fear. (LETS HELP DEMLOS DER FIER)

• Use excellent professionals willing to help out, for example, the National Centre for Missing Exploited Children (NCMEC) who has been doing a magnificent job There is something I want to make very clear:

• Child sexual abuse content IS NOT “Child Pornography”.

• Child pornography does not exist, as sexual activities are a part of the adult world and they are supposed to take place with consent from all parties.

Child sexual abuse content is nothing like that. It is about the suffering and hurting of minors, and addressing it the wrong way continues to harm the integrity of children over and over again. Kids are the most valuable part of society and it is our job to do everything in our power to ensure a safer and better world for all of them. The suffering and hurting of minors and addressing it the wrong way continues to harm the integrity of children over and over again. It’s important that companies which provide internet services are obliged to inform and report these acts, as it is equally important to teach our children about online environments. They might have been born with these technologies but that does not mean they were told how to use them.

Mehmet Kilic

President, Journalists and Writers Foundation – USA

Mehmet Kilic is the President of the Journalists and Writers Foundation which is dedicated to the advancement of peace, human rights and sustainable development. Prior to his current position, Mr. Kilic served as the UN Representative at the UN ECOSOC from 2012 to 2017. To raise awareness on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, he has mobilized civil society organizations by organizing international conferences, panel discussions, international trips, and youth projects. Mr. Kilic also creates platforms for intellectual and social engagement that aims to promote peace, diversity and inclusion for positive social change. With over 20 years of experience in global affairs, public relations, and non-profit sector, Mr. Kilic pioneered educational and social responsibility projects. Mr. Kilic organized Ambassadors Series discussions hosting ambassadors and diplomats accredited to the United Nations with a focus on Africa, South Asia, and the Balkans. He initiated the Young Peace Ambassadors Academy that offers free global studies programs for high school students to inspire young leaders and responsible global citizens. Mr. Kilic has a master’s degree in Education from Mercy College and is a doctoral candidate at Walden University, pursuing his PhD in Global and Comparative Education.

On the Occasion of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, I welcome you all to the 5th Annual UNGA Conference 2020, entitled “Transforming Our World: Five Years of Action Towards the SDGs.” We are proud to host 21 distinguished panelists from 11 countries who will share their knowledge and years of experience, including women empowerment and gender equality, implementing the SDG Goal #16: peace, justice, and strong institutions, and assessing lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The year 2020 is historic time as we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations and 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration on women empowerment and gender equality. It is also the 5th Year of the Adoption of the UN Global Agenda 2030.

UNGA Conference 2020 aims to review the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It is an opportunity for us to look back on the achievements while facing the challenges. Partnership is important to achieve these goals so I want to thank all of our global partners for their dedication and support to make this conference a success!

In Panel 1, we will discuss current challenges and constraints on women empowerment and gender equality in policymaking and decision-making mechanisms with a comparative analysis of how technological advancements influence women empowerment with opportunities and challenges, and understand how women’s empowerment, leadership, and participation contribute to social and economic development. I believe that women empowerment and gender equality are not a singular issue that emphasizes only on the rights of the women. Rather promoting and protecting women’s rights ensure peaceful and inclusive societies and contributes to social and economic development.

The UN Secretary-General Mr. Antonio Guterres made “gender parity and equality” a priority in his agenda that turned the United Nations into a gender equal organization with 50/50 representation of women and men in the senior leadership levels. This policy change in the senior leadership has inspired millions of women and girls around the world.

In Panel 2, distinguished speakers will address the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal #16: peace, justice, and strong institutions. We thank our panel for their outstanding presentations, remarks, and substantial analysis of data on peace, justice, and human rights issues.

Youth Empowerment, leadership, and participation play an important role to offer sustainable solutions to social, economic, and environmental challenges. There are amazing young people around the world who have the knowledge, skills, and determination to make a difference in our global world. Greta Thunberg is one of the renown environmental activists who has inspired and energized and millions of young people across the globe to take action on climate change. Malala Yousafzai is another young activist who is known for human rights advocacy, especially the education of women and children. She is the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. There are tens of thousands of young people who want to make a difference in our society who want to express their ideas on peace building, climate change, gender equality, social justice, equality, and other issues.

A group of Youth from the Cage Free Voices will present an amazing performance, entitled: “Grade A Human: Too Viral” that gives a strong message to the world. Our special thanks go to Drake and Donovan Brown from Matthew Henson Middle School in Maryland, Oluwa Feranmi Davies from Essy Gold School from Lagos in Nigeria, and Terrence Everett from North Carolina A&T Company. We also have another wonderful youth performance by the IFLC Youth, entitled: “Smile Beneath Your Mask”, which is a song about love and hope despite many challenges. We thank Paradise College students from Papua Neu-Guinea for their participation and contributions.

In Panel 3, we will discuss the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic with evolving social and economic development for sustainability. Our panelists will share their expertise on responding to global emergencies and best practices from covid-19, the new era of online engagement: evolving economic development and private sector, refugee rights during the pandemic, and covid-19 and right to life in prisons: Turkey case.

We are living in an unprecedent time in the history of humanity that we face a global health crisis: COVID-19. We must remember that this is not only a health crisis, but a social, economic, and environmental crisis. The COVID-19 taught us at least one lesson that diseases, disasters, and crisis do not discriminate people by race, ethnicity, gender, or socio-economic background. It doesn’t matter if you are a developed or a developing country; when it hits, it hits everybody hard!

To overcome this disease, we need collective efforts and actions to fight against the coronavirus that is targeting our health, our economy, and our security. It is important that we work together in this fight because we are stronger together! But of course, we are not pessimistic about the future. On the contrary, we are hopeful for the future; if we all work together, we can come out of this crisis even stronger!

In closing, I would like to thank all of the speakers for their contributions during panel discussions. The discussions have been very productive with so much information to digest, learn, and act on in the next 10 years. The Journalists and Writers Foundation’s and its Global Partners’ commitment to inclusive, transformative, and achievable UN Development Agenda for humanity and the planet that help achieve our global mission of Leaving No One Behind.

The UNGA Conference hosted 21 speakers from 11 countries with over 520 participants from 48 countries. Partnership is one of the highlights of the conference that 35 global partners from 24 different countries put their efforts to make this conference a success. We thank our global partners for their leadership, dedication, and support in organizing the UNGA Conference 2020.

Last but not least, I would like to announce that we will host the Pioneers in SDGs Awards that pay tribute to outstanding individuals and organizations contributing to sustainable peace and development through innovative and creative projects. Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies; protecting human rights, the rule of law, and democratic values; empowering women, girls, and youth for social justice and equal opportunities play an essential role in achieving sustainable development goals worldwide.

The Pioneers in SDGs Awards Ceremony will be held on September 24, 2020 at 12:00pm-1:30pm EST. The Journalists and Writers Foundation and its 35 Global Partners acknowledge the contributions of projects to society serving as an exemplary model that inspires others towards positive social change while contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This is a remarkable opportunity for project participants to share their project as best-practices with the United Nations and other relevant stakeholders while exploring other opportunities for collaboration and partnership.

The UNGA conference declaration and resolutions will be disseminated within the United Nations, the UN Member States and other relevant bodies as a policy recommendation for the assessment of the implementation of the SDGs. The UNGA 2020 Conference Proceedings, including speakers’ papers and presentations, will be published and shared with multiple stakeholders as a point of reference to rethink and realign implementation policies and practices for higher levels of outcomes considering the new normal in the post-COVID era.