Honorable Speakers of UNGA 2014

On 25 September 2014, Journalists and Writers Foundation and Peace Islands Institute hosted UN High-Level Reception in partnership during the United Nations General Assembly’s 69th Session at the Waldorf Astoria to celebrate its existing work on Education for Sustainable Development in order to contribute to the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda. The reception focused on the provisions of quality of education to ensure sustainable development.
Along with eradication of poverty and climate change, education has been a priority during the negotiations of the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda. During the implementation stage of the MDGs (still ongoing), it was obvious that even though the number of children attending schools significantly increased, the higher education they got did not meet the standards of the contemporary world and labor markets.
The reception highlighted successes of the thousands of schools and educational institutions throughout the world that have been inspired by Mr. Fethullah Gulen, the honorary President of Peace Islands Institute (PII) and the Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF). The organizers shared an incredible experience in delivering high quality education to the youth and adults in 160 countries in five continents. These educational institutions are the product of partnership among NGOs, private sector and national governments.
Most of the participants suggested that availability and accessibility of education were necessary but not sufficient conditions for sustaining development and peace. Therefore, during the reception, many guest speakers emphasized the role of quality education in achieving economic development, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and good governance. The UN Post-2015 Development Agenda encourages member states to make education more accessible and to equip schools with qualified teachers.