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Main Committees

United Nations Main Committees

Each Member State may be represented by one person on each Main Committee – there are six in total – and on any other committee that may be established upon which all Member States have the right to be represented.

Member States may also assign advisers, technical advisers, experts or persons of similar status to these committees [Rule 100 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly]. 

First Committee: Disarmament and International Security Committee 

Working closely with the United Nations Disarmament Commission and Geneva based Conference on Disarmament; this committee focuses on disarmament, addresses global challenges to the international peace and security. 


Second Committee: Economic and Financial Committee

Second Committee deals with issues varying from economic growth policies, international financial systems, financing for development, and poverty eradication to globalization. 


Third Committee: Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Issues 

Allocation of the agenda for the Third Committee is the range of social, humanitarian affairs and human rights issues that affect people all over the world. This committee also addresses advancement of women, protection of children, treatment of refugees, and elimination of the racial discrimination. 


Fourth Committee: Special Political and Decolonization Committee 

Fourth Committee deals with a variety of subjects which include those related to decolonization, Palestinian refugees and human rights, peacekeeping, mine action, outer space, public information, atomic radiation and University for Peace. 


Fifth Committee: Administrative and Budgetary Committee 

Responsibilities of this committee includes the administration and budgetary matters. Based on the reports of the Fifth Committee, the General Assembly considers and approves the budget of the Organization. The Assembly also considers and approves financial and budgetary arrangements with specialized agencies and makes recommendations to the agencies concerned. 


Sixth Committee: Legal Committee

Sixth Committee is the primary forum for the consideration of legal questions in the General Assembly. All of the United Nations Member States are entitled to representation on the Sixth Committee as one of the main committees of the General Assembly. 
