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23-25 September 2024 | New York | Hybrid

In the margins of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79), the Journalists and Writers Foundation, in collaboration with 56 civil society organizations from 30 countries, will host the 9th Annual SDGs Conference 2024 in New York on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.  

Since its inception in 2014, the Journalists and Writers Foundation’s flagship event has brought together over 171 high-level UN diplomats, heads of state, civil society leaders, and human rights advocates from around the globe. This signature event has generated valuable insights on the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and tackled pressing issues related to peace and security. The three-day program includes side events and diplomatic engagements fostering global partnerships with diverse development stakeholders, creating an inclusive platform for the sharing of best practices from civil society organizations. The thought-provoking discussions held at the JWF UN High-Level Reception, Roundtable Discussions, and SDGs Conference have continued to provide comprehensive solutions to improve global peacefulness and leave no one behind.

As the world reaches the midpoint of the SDGs timeline, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has sounded the alarm for a global response to revitalize the implementation of the Global Goals 2030 and stay on track to achieve them by the 2030 deadline. The challenges of development, peace, and security highlighted at the SDGs Summit during the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78) remain pressing and are now joined by emerging global complexities and humanitarian crises. In response to these challenges, the UN Secretary-General has called for an emergency platform to launch a New Agenda for Peace and adopt a Pact for the Future. The political declarations and financial commitments made at the Summit of the Future are crucial in building a multilateral governance system that delivers for all people, everywhere.

The outbreak of conflicts, humanitarian crises, internal displacements, and declining human rights have been highlighted as major obstacles to sustainable development that must be addressed. Moreover, achieving prosperity without ensuring global peace and security is a promise that is at risk. The Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 8, “Information Integrity on Digital Platforms”, underscores the threat of misinformation and the evolving landscape of information channels, which are emerging security threats hindering development and escalating conflicts. Against this backdrop, the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79) presents a critical opportunity to commit to taking action-oriented steps to revitalize the multilateral system. Furthermore, 2024 is a pivotal year as half of the world’s population will be electing their national and local leaders, amidst a concerning global trend of democratic backsliding that has been unfolding over the past decade.

At this pivotal moment, civil society leaders, human rights advocates, journalists, and intellectuals from diverse backgrounds must intensify their partnerships to amplify the progressive efforts of the United Nations as the world navigates a significant period of transformation. The SDGs Conference 2024 will bring together renowned experts and high-level speakers from various disciplines to tackle three pressing issues: (1) The Summit of the Future: Revitalizing the Pact for the Future, (2) Information Integrity on Digital Platforms and Mainstream Media, and (3) Transforming Inclusive Global Governance.


Panel 1: The Summit of the Future: Revitalizing the Pack for the Future

  • UN 2.0: Amplifying Reforms in Multilateral Diplomacy and Strengthening the UN System
  • Reflections from the Nairobi Civil Society Conference: Unmuting the Civil Society
  • Leveraging Innovation and Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Regulations
  • Building Trust in Youth-led Organizations and Increasing Investment in Youth Empowerment Initiatives   

Panel 2: Information Integrity on Digital Platforms and Mainstream Media 

  • Combatting the Mis/Disinformation in the Age of Information Pollution: Transforming the Landscape of Journalism 
  • Defending the Independency and Authenticity of Elections in 2024 Amidst AI-dominated News Ecosystem
  • Establishing a Human Rights-based Global Digital Compact: Principles and Actions by 2030
  • Building Sustainable and Resilient Media Outlets: Empowering Investigative Journalism 
  • The Role of Journalists in Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis and Human Rights Reporting  

Panel 3: Transforming an Inclusive Global Governance 

  • Reviving Multilateralism: Overcoming Global Challenges through Effective Global Cooperation and Preventive Diplomacy 
  • Decline of Democratic Principles and Erosion of Global Peace and Stability
  • Escalating Geopolitical Conflicts: Intensifying Polarization and Reversing Progress of the SDGs
  • A Feminist Approach to Global Peace and Security: Unlocking Women`s Leadership in Conflict Prevention and Resolution 
  • Strengthening Public Institutions: Unlocking Multiplier Effects of Sustainable Development and Inclusive Prosperity for All.