Silvia Osman, Associate Professor, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration | Romania
Silvia Osman is an Associate Professor at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Department of Sociology in Romania. Author of more than 20 books, Silvia Osman has also published many articles on literature, discourse and multicultural dialogue, paradigm shift in education, and mindsight within the framework of multimodal approaches to communication. She completed Foreign Policy and Diplomacy Program of the Romanian Diplomatic Institute. Ms. Osman has her Masters in European Integration from the UCDC, Faculty of Law and Administration Studies at Bucharest, and holds her PhD in Esthetics, Theory, Pedagogy and History of Theater.
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Event Title: SDGs Conference 2023 | Date: Sept 20, 2023 |
We are a global community and it is adequate to build momentum. It is said that it takes a whole village to raise a child. Therefore, raising an agenda and achieving it by 2030 takes a global community, a village. We started a series of SDGs Conference events with a roundtable discussion talking about human values, and timeless frameless norms, that take us closer to human rights. We have more strength in not only creatively rethinking frames but also thinking about the benefit of others. Thank you everyone for your life of service in implementing the goals.
What do we need to build? The Sustainable Development Goals are very clear-cut forward, comprehensible, and offer a roadmap creating momentum. Actually, momentum is a property of a moving body that determines the time required to bring it to rest under the action of a constant force. So yes, our global actions are the constant force that when applied can bring momentum.
We will not rest until all those things we are fighting for, from human rights or human values to the surface of our global world, are in place. Yes, we are the moving body that makes the momentum happen, and I am sure that you will agree with me and contribute to building it. Love is a verb; it is a deep human value essential to all our acts. So, it means using the bricks of our own imagination, the building blocks of the momentum we need to bring about. I call on everyone to roll up their slaves and put our values to work while we build a community, a global community of action, and establish a roadmap.