Director of Women Affairs, Advocates of Silenced Turkey, USA

Hafsa Girdap is an ESL Teacher and College Counselor. She has organized a TEDx event, directed Model United Nations Studies and International Programs in private educational institutions in Turkey. Hafsa also volunteers as a human rights defender at Set Them Free platform and AST (Advocates of Silenced Turkey). In this regard, she has organized photo exhibitions, given talks about the violations of human rights, especially of women and children in Turkey. Her motivation for doing this work is to be voice of the voiceless.

Youth Delegate UNGA 2018, Germany

Antonia Kuhn is one of the two German Youth Delegates to the UN General Assembly for the year 2018. She is currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg in Germany, where she studies law and European law with a focus on international human rights protection. Antonia is actively involved in international youth work via Rotex, representing the Green Party’s campus group in her university’s student parliament and advocating for human rights with Amnesty International, where she currently serves as head of her campus group. Antonia is strongly convinced that global solutions can only be found when all stakeholders get the chance to voice their perspective.

Director, Equity and Diversity, Western Sydney University, Australia

Dr. Sev Ozdowski is the Director of Equity and Diversity at the Western Sydney University and an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at Sydney University. Sev Ozdowski is a human rights advocate, educator and social researcher, former senior civil servant. He was the Australian Human Rights Commissioner and served at Disability Discrimination Commissioner from 2000 to 2005. Dr. Ozdowski is known for his support for Polish Solidarity movement in the 1980`s, and for his defense of human rights of refugees, especially child asylum seekers detained in Australia and people with disabilities and mental illness as well as for his contribution to multicultural policies in Australia.

Senior Director of International Migration Policy, Scalabrini Center for Migration Studies, USA

Kevin Appleby is the Senior Director of International Migration Policy for the Center for Migration Studies (CMS) and the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN). Prior to joining CMS and SIMN, Mr. Appleby served as the Director of Migration Policy and Public Affairs of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) for more than 16 years. Mr. Appleby has also worked as Deputy Director of the Maryland Catholic Conference in Annapolis, Maryland. He has testified before Congress on immigration issues and represented the US Catholic bishops on these issues at public events and with the media. He is co-editor of the volume, On Strangers No Longer: Perspectives on the US- Mexican Catholic Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on Migration.

Chairwoman, International Relations Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association, Brazil

Clarita Costa Maya is the Chairwoman of the International Relations Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association – Federal District. She is Legislative Consultant of the Federal Senate since 2003. Clarita is a specialist in constitutional law by the Brazilian Institute of Public Law (IDP). She has a Master`s Program in Business Law – FGV. She is a member of the Brazilian Association of International Relations (ABRI). Clarita was a Visiting Professor at the University of Brasília, Institute of International Relations (IREL) teaching Introduction to the Study of International Relations and World Trade Organization. Ms. Clarita taught Theory of International Relations and Private International Law at UniCeub. She was also a Post-Graduate Professor teaching Legislative Law at the Brazilian Legislative Institute, ILB, Brazil.