Silvia Perazzo is a historian specialized in the history of contemporary Africa and a lecturer at various universities from Argentina (Universidad Austral, Universidad del Salvador, Universidad Nacional de la Defensa, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza). Serving as the President of the United Nations Association from Argentina Republic (UNA-AR), Silvia continues to strengthen her professional career as a speaker at different multilateral civil society forums in topics related to education, such as Istanbul Summit, C20, 67 United Nations Civil Society Conference. “We, The People”, Foro de Participación Ciudadana de UNASUR.
Event Title: Inclusive Social Development in Achieving the Global Goals 2030 | Date: September 25, 2019 |
Civil society participation to facilitate social development
Nowadays, it is civil society that spontaneously or collectively brings up to states the need for structural changes. In this sense, civil society is always a step ahead of the State; what is more, it sets the agenda for great changes. However, goals are not reached in an isolated manner, but through coordinated actions with the State, which can implement and execute them.
Civil society has a huge responsibility since, apart from setting an agenda, it must propose specific measures to address major issues. One of these major issues is the promotion of social development, which cannot be considered without addressing inclusion. And for the inclusion, the most important tool is the Education.
An inclusive and quality education must reach all social sectors, as well as urban and rural areas and vulnerable population; and it needs:
- Coordinated action between Civil Society, State and international institutions
- Educational Financial Laws that ensure the intangibility of the funds allocated to Education
- Programs and projects that guarantee:
- Knowledge
- Skills development
- Development of behaviors that favor tolerance, dialogue and peace
- Mass campaigns against violence, discrimination, exclusion, and the lack of opportunities.
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