Transforming Our World: Inclusive Social Development for All
25 September 2019, Wednesday
PANEL 3: Protection of Social, Economic, and Cultural Rights
This session deliberated on the commitment to the protection of human rights and access to social services so as not to leave anyone behind. The speakers offered multiple perspectives and practices on how human rights could reduce inequalities, eliminate the causes of poverty and prevent internal and global conflicts. This session highlighted how the realization of economic, social and cultural rights plays an integral role in sustainable peace and conflict prevention.
The specific issues that emerged from the panel discussion were on the promotion of cultural rights in the construction of peaceful societies; creating a human rights-based approach to the United Nations Development Agenda; being aware of the violation of human rights that leads to social upheaval. Countries were identified where the violation of human rights is rampant. It meant that the country-based analysis mechanism on the abuse and violation of human rights should be included in the next policies to transform our world: inclusive social development for all.
Craig Foster
Football broadcaster; Author; Ambassador for Human Rights, AUSTRALIA
In recent years, after a series of human rights crises particularly related to Mega Sporting Events (MSE), several global sports organizations have implemented human rights policies that oblige all official bodies to audit their impacts on human rights and adhere to the ‘Protection’ Respect, remedy ‘framework of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This is a growing trend that is of extraordinary social importance to the world since the traditional call of sport to be independent of the impacts it creates is no longer relevant.
Sport has become the 21st century, a universal vehicle for universal rights and, while the United Nations can urge, collaborate and perhaps coerce, to “push”, sport is one of the biggest “attraction” factors ever known to humankind and can impose, oblige and educate a common human standard. However, as the world realizes these obligations and becomes increasingly aware of its rights, it is essential that the sport fulfills its duty. It cannot become hostage to political commitment and, as we look towards social progress through sport and rights, we must recognize that the breach of these obligations has a real human impact.
It is essential that UN Member States everywhere understand that by respecting the social contract of sport and the responsibility to provide opportunities, a safe space, equality, health and well-being for all, we bring the world closer to a community of interaction human, a greater understanding of humanitarian values, high profile role models for the next generation and respect for economic, social and cultural rights and peace and security for all.
Jose Igreja Matos
President, European Association of Judges, PORTUGAL
I believe, working intensely in recent years in different regions of the world, that the solutions to the problems facing the judiciary today are closely related to Goal # 16 of the United Nations Sustainable Development and should be built in cooperation and partnership with civil society. Working together on field projects, we can address our mutual concerns. Obeying a lesson in practical behavior, which is enshrined in our European culture, developed many centuries ago by the words of Aristotle: “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them, for example, men become builders by building and reproducing lyre playing the lyre; so we also become simply doing just acts.” An alliance of goodwill between men and women to protect democratic values is now the only remedy for the emergence of populism and radicalism.
Isaque Chande
Early warning mechanisms of human rights to prevent conflicts: severe inequalities in access to social services
In Mozambique, the State has the primary responsibility to promote human rights and, simultaneously, guarantee their effectiveness. In fact, in article 11 of the Constitution of Mozambique, where the main objectives of the State of Mozambique have been established, it is established that the construction of a society of social justice and the creation of material, spiritual well-being and quality of life of citizens. The defense and promotion of human rights and the equality of citizens before the law. The strengthening of democracy, freedom, social stability and social and individual harmony. There are many challenges to effectively achieve inclusive social development. Much must be done to ensure inclusive social, cultural and economic rights. Partnerships are needed to provide enough support to transform our world. It should be the primary responsibility of each state to take all necessary measures to meet basic needs. There is no country in the world that can effectively address inclusive social development alone. We have to act collectively so that no one is left behind.
James C. Harrington
Founder & Director Emeritus, Texas Civil Rights Project, USA
Promotion of social, economic and cultural rights in building peaceful societies
Antonio Alberto do Vale Cerqueira
Court of Ethics and Disciplinary at the Brazilian Bar Association – District Federal Section, BRAZIL
Violation of human rights leading to social unrest: Country-based Analysis
Although poverty is one of the main factors contributing to the increase in crime, this movement is shown in areas where poverty is related to the lack of human rights. A person who is subject to the social contract allows, to some extent, the omission of the state to provide basic human rights, such as education, health, safety, right to leisure, work, housing, food, etc. However, when this fault is large enough to violate their dignity, the individual falls below this level of dignity and there is a concrete tendency towards greater social unrest, which eventually becomes a crime-generating event.
Ekaterina Shebalina
Executive Assistant to the Vice-Rector, Institute for International Studies, Research Fellow, RUSSIA
Protection of Social, Economic and Cultural Rights
Oral Statement
Seda Pumpyanskaya
Director for Strategic Communications Division, UN Department of Global Communications
Early warning mechanisms for human rights to prevent conflicts must be identified well in advance and support the reduction of inequalities in access to social services, challenge the lack of democratic space of an active civil society and the lack of freedom of the media. To this end, the participants of the UNGA Conference join the international community to ensure that Transforming Our World: Inclusive Social Development for All is a concerted effort of all citizens of the world, people we call brothers and sisters who strive for the greatest call to universal values reflected in different UN letters. The participants in the UNGA Conference reached the following resolutions.