Minister of Basic and Secondary Education of The Gambia

H.E-FATOU-LAMIN-FAYEPrior to her current post, H.E Fatou Lamin Faye served as the Minster of Education from 2004 to 2007. Under her leadership, education in The Gambia has been transformed, resulting in significant improvements in children’s learning achievements in literacy and numeracy. In 2000, she joined the Association of Non-Governmental Organizations of The Gambia as Senior Program Officer and subsequently as Director. In 2001, she became Director of the Gambia as Senior Program Officer when she was appointed as Minister of Education and, from 2007, Minister for Basic and Secondary Education. She has been member of the Senate of The University of The Gambia, the Steering Committee of the Community Skills Improvements Project under the Department of Community Development, the National and International Committees of the West African Examinations Council, the ECOWAS Gender Technical Commission as well as being chairperson of the National Women’s council.

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